First, let us establish a few things. These are not my favorite 13 horror movies ever, although some of them do make that cut. Also, while an avid horror movie fan and consumer, (one of the only genres I ever pay to go to the theatre for,) I do not just consume horror movies to be scared.

A horror movie is good to me in one of two ways: one, it is genuinely frightening. To be genuinely frightening to me, it is not really about the blood and gore and jumps, (for instance the first Saw is the only one I put any stock into.) Rather, a genuinely good horror movie is well-thought out, well planned, ingeniously terrifying or interesting, just as the first Saw is, yet is watchable. The Human Centipede is a genuinely horrifying, well-thought-out concept with a great villain brought to life. It is not a good horror movie because I don’t ever want to watch it again, and I really don’t want to see its sequel, which looks more disturbing than the first.

A good horror movie is not just horrifying, instead I leave feeling satisfied about watching people die, a hard thing to accomplish.

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